The weather sure was better than last year's and the timing could not have been better by waiting till after we were all packed up to issue a tornado warning for our area. So Sunday, June 12 was a great day for
Keystone Pet Enhanced Therapy Services (KPETS) to declare a day for barking in the park - Ephrata's Grater Memorial Park!
That was the site of the KPETS Pet Expo and Stroll N' Walk. Scores of dogs and their humans stopped by the mid-day event to visit with vendors, munch on burgers and fries (and puppy treats) and enjoy pet-themed demos and presentations. A highlight of the day was a demonstration by Flyball Dogs Anonymus. Visitors could attend sessions to receive expert advice from Dr Leslie Osborne, local veterinarian; Sheree Dietz, pet groomer and Bonnie Hess, trainer during their "Ask the Vet, Groomer, and Trainer " sessions. There were over 30 vendors participating with goods ranging from doggie snacks to vacuums. Other non-profits attending and promoting their causes and looking for volunteers were several doggie rescues organizations (Brookline Lab and SAY - Save a Yorkie), CART (County Animal Rescue Team), two Search and Rescue groups (Middle Creek SAR and Cumberland County SAR). Some of the other features were presenations by United Disablity Services Service Dogs, Guaridan Angels for Soldiers Pets.
There was also a blessing of the animals by Pastor Deborah Miley to send the pups and people off on the Stroll 'n Roll Walk. Many attendees participated in the walk through the park to raise much-needed funds for KPETS
The Expo and Stroll N' Walk raised more than $2,000 for KPETS, and raised awareness of the good work KPETS does throughout 10+ counties in Pennsylvania, Maryland and beyond.
Thanks to all who attended, volunteered and walked. We hope to do it bigger and even better next year!