Monday, September 30, 2013

Misty Has Retired

Here is Misty today, relaxing with her daughter, Calli.    
One day in the park we met another Golden owner, and KPETS team, Susan Hamberger and Max.  Susan told us about the organization and soon we were sold on Misty becoming a KPETS dog since she had the perfect temper for the position.  Misty was certified on October 18, 2010  and visited the Lutheran Home in York on Sprenkle Drive, usually accompanied by our good friends, Susan and Max.  Misty always seemed to perk up when her yellow KPETS scarf was put on.  She loved her "job".
In  November of 2012 Misty developed canine vestibular disease, which causes vertigo.  She improved over the course of about 6 weeks, but occasionally had some irregular eye movements.  Then, in May of 2013 we discovered lumps in her neck similar to when human's have swollen glands.  The vet tested and confirmed that Misty had lymphoma, and said she probably developed it at the beginning of the year.  The prognosis was 2 to 3 months if left untreated.  With chemotherapy, Misty's life could possibly be extended 6 to 12 months.  The chemo would we administered a total of 5 times every 3 weeks.  Since Misty was acting pretty healthy for her age, we could not just sit and wait and watch her go downhill.  We would rather that she die of old age than let cancer take her, so she started receiving chemotherapy treatments on May 17.  After the first treatment Misty had only minor side-effects.  However, after each successive treatment, the side-effects were more intense and recovery took longer.  After the fourth treatment on July 26, Misty had to be hospitalized for dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea.  At that point we said "no more" since the side-effects were becoming more life-threatening and Misty's quality of life, which we were trying to preserve, was deteriorating.  She has since overcome the side-effects of chemo and is acting more like herself, but still takes medicine for arthritis which she has had for a few years.  Presently, Misty is spending her retirement by resting and enjoying her food, her treats, the outdoors and many hugs and kisses.   We love her dearly, and are enjoying the time we spend with her each day. 
Thank you, KPETS, for the experience of helping to brighten  lives.  Misty enjoyed giving love as well as getting much love in return. 

Barb and Craig Graver

and of course, Misty

This picture was given to many of Misty's clients at the Lutheran Home
 with "Love, Misty" on it. 


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